What Are Electrical Burns?

Anytime a person works near or comes into contact with exposed or defective electrical wires, they are at risk of an electrical burn. These types of burns are a little different from regular burns, and the damage they cause is often very serious. In fact, it is not uncommon for victims of electrical burns to…

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Potential Consequences of Severe Burn Injuries

Certain burn injuries are severe enough to require extensive medical treatment, including skin grafting and surgeries. With these critical and sometimes catastrophic injuries, recovery is often slow, preventing victims from be able to work, at least in the immediate term. In some cases, victims are never able to return to work, or at least to…

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Examples of Negligence That Can Lead to Burn Injuries

Burn injuries often happen because of exposure to fire, liquid, chemicals, and steam. Burn injuries can happen anywhere, whether a person is at work, at home trying to prepare a meal, or even out in public at a store, restaurant, or shopping center. People who suffer burn injuries don’t always do so because they made…

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Burn Injuries in House Fires

You have three minutes or less to escape your home if it catches fire. This is much less time compared to decades ago. The reason for this is that furniture and other items in your home are made differently today, and these items burn much faster. A fire can completely consume your home in a…

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