Motorcycle Accident
How You Can Become a Defensive Motorcycle Rider
If you ride a motorcycle, one of the best things you can do to keep yourself safe is to learn to drive defensively. When bikers are involved in collisions, they run a greater risk of being critically injured, because they lack the protection that a steel frame offers drivers. They are often thrown from their…
Read MoreElevated Blood Alcohol Levels Increase the Odds of Death after a Motorcycle Crash
A recent study by several doctors queried a database to determine the effects of alcohol on motorcycle accident victims. The study was done because motorcyclists who drink and drive have a generally higher chance of being killed or suffering a disability than drunk car and truck drivers. The study, reported in the International Journal of…
Read More5 Reasons Why Representing Yourself in Your Chicago Motorcycle Accident Case Is a Bad Idea
Motorcyclists are keenly aware of how vulnerable they are to getting an injury every time they ride their bikes. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there were 5,172 motorcyclists killed in a recent year, and per vehicle miles traveled, motorcycle fatalities occurred nearly 27 times more frequently than passenger car occupant fatalities…
Read MoreAre Motorcycles More Dangerous Than Cars?
If you own a motorcycle you likely know how dangerous of a hobby this is and it doesn’t matter your experience level. The sad fact of the matter is that you can be as safe as possible when riding, but there will always be an unsafe driver out there who could wind up causing a…
Read MoreCommon Roadway Hazards for Motorcyclists
Although motorcycle riders face various dangers on the road, roadway hazards such as road debris, uneven pavement, and other conditions present acute dangers to riders’ safety. Motorcycles lack the stability of a four-wheeled passenger vehicle or truck that can more easily withstand the impact and effect of these obstacles and threats. According to statistics from…
Read MoreCalifornia Becomes First State to Allow Motorcycle Operators to Drive Between Lanes
Most states, including Illinois, have laws that prohibit lane splitting, lane sharing, and lane filtering. These terms are similar but not identical. Lane filtering. This refers to a motorcycle which navigates its way through stopped vehicles and slow-moving traffic. Motorcycles weave their way between various lanes. Lane sharing. This is when two motorcycles ride in…
Read MoreMotorcycle Helmet Use Shown to Reduce the Risk of Cervical Spine Injury During Crashes
A group of neurological surgeons at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics in Madison recently conducted new research concerning the use of motorcycle helmets which was published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. The new findings discount the old notion that helmets fail to protect against spinal injuries and other injuries in motorcycle accidents.…
Read MoreCan I Still Have a Head Injury Even if I Was Wearing a Helmet?
If you were in an accident and were wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, you may have a claim for any and all injuries that occurred to your body. That includes a head injury, or even a serious brain injury. Just because you were wearing a helmet while you were in this…
Read MoreMotorcycle Fatalities Are Increasing in Illinois
As the weather warms up in the spring, we are all familiar with the often sudden appearance of motorcycles on the roadways. With motorcyclists joining the stream of traffic, there is also the increased risk of motorcyclists encountering threats that can lead to crashes, injuries, and even death. The Insurance Information Institute reports that motorcyclists…
Read MoreMotorcycle Drivers Face Acute Dangers on the Road
Riding a motorcycle is a cherished activity and pastime enjoyed by thousands in the U.S. Motorcycle riders enjoy both the relaxation and thrill of the open-air experience it provides. At the same time, it can also be dangerous and even deadly if certain dangers on the road are encountered. In 2016, 5,286 motorcyclists were killed,…
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