Two Recent Deaths in Chicago Motorcycle Accidents

Two Chicago men are dead in as many weeks because of motorcycle accidents in town. In the Margate Park neighborhood of the North Side of Chicago around 10 p.m. last Wednesday, one man was in a fatal accident. In late September, another man was in a motorcycle crash on the far South Side, and also…

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Motorcycle Pre-Ride Inspection List

A proper safety inspection can help make sure your motorcycle and you are ready to respond to any dangers on the roadway. The best time to check your motorcycle is actually after your last ride, so you won’t rush the inspection by doing it just before the next one. Inspections should be done at the…

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Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers in Chicago

Motorcyclists are vulnerable enough to collisions with drivers when they are paying attention to the road, but when drivers allow themselves to be distracted by their phones and other distractions inside and outside of their vehicles, motorcyclists end up paying with accidents, injuries and even their lives. As the weather warms up in the summer,…

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7 Common Motorcycle Accident Myths Debunked

Motorcycle riding always becomes more popular in warm weather months, so we wanted to compile a list of just a few of the common myths that have been circulating for years about motorcycle safety that people still repeat and could contribute to accidents and injuries if they are not debunked. Myth: Motorcyclists wear leather to…

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Why Are Motorcyclist Deaths on the Rise?

Despite an anticipated drop in motorcyclist fatalities, there was instead an unprecedented spike in deaths from motorcycle crashes in 2015 when 4,868 riders lost their lives, which is an almost 10 percent increase over the previous year’ death rate. The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reports that this is the third time in history that…

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Essential Safety Tips for New Chicago Motorcycle Riders

This holds true for even the most experienced riders, because motorcycles do not offer the same physical protection as four-wheel vehicles. Also, most car and truck drivers look out for other cars and trucks and fail to pay attention to motorcycles until the motorcycle is right in front of them. How motorcyclists can stay safe…

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Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes in Chicago

The one thing that can take the thrill out of getting on your motorcycle and going for a ride is that nagging thought about what might happen if you end up in a crash. It’s a risk every motorcycle rider faces when they hit the road, but the freedom of riding on the open road…

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