Why Do Truck Fatalities Keep Increasing Each Year?

Truck driving, a once stable cornerstone profession, has seen a dark trend emerging in recent years. Despite the advancements in technology and safety regulations, fatal truck accidents are on the rise in a big way. There are more than 3.5 million people in America working as truckers ranging from long-haul drivers, who ship items from…

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Defective Truck Brakes & Product Liability Claims: What You Need to Know

In November of 2022, Daimler Truck North America (DTNA) recalled over 230,000 Western Star and Freightliner vehicles manufactured between 2016 and 2022. The recall is due to chemical corrosion that could affect the vehicles’ brake modulator valves, potentially resulting in Adaptive Cruise Control braking failures. And while these vehicles’ regular brakes were not affected by…

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Nearly 49% of Commercial Truck Drivers Might Have Sleep Apnea

A recent study conducted by Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in 2020 found that nearly 49% of commercial truck drivers have or are at risk for sleep apnea. This number is unexpectedly high, especially since earlier studies reported much lower numbers. Transport Topics reports the earlier studies found that anywhere from 7.2% to 30% of truck…

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Hazardous Materials Make Trucks Deadlier

Trucks are already dangerous. Without any other mitigating factors, trucks are still giant, metal behemoths sharing the roads with their smaller cousins, and colliding into them in any form rarely ends well. However, when the cargo being carried by that truck is a hazardous material of some sort, that danger increases tenfold — which is…

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Unwieldy USPS Trucks Endanger Everyone

The United States Postal Service is a revered, respected, and absolutely necessary entity that has connected us to loved ones since the earliest days of our country. For years, it was the only service we had to communicate important messages to one another. As technology advances, however, and emails, texts, and Zoom makes that connection…

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New Safety Tech Mandates for Commercial Vehicles

This year, Congress introduced the surface transportation bill. The $78 billion bills will aid in the funding of several safety features geared toward improving transportation, most of which will go to things like fixing roads and bridges, and physical infrastructure nationwide. Along with money for auto manufacturers and rail companies like Amtrak, one sector that…

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Trucking Is One of the Top 10 Deadliest Jobs in America

When you think of the deadliest jobs in America, trucking is typically not the first thing to come to mind. Your mind may go to mining or oil & gas drilling. But it turns out that transportation – specifically, transport by truck – is significantly more dangerous than most industries. Trucks are not only dangerous…

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Commercial Trucks and Braking Issues

Trucks generally need more time to brake and come to a stop than passenger cars. There are many different reasons why trucks need more time, including the size and weight of the truck, the number of tires, the type of brakes, and other factors. Eighteen-wheelers, semis, tractor-trailers, and other heavy trucks are among some of…

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