How Seasonal Changes Affect Road Safety: Tips for Motorcyclists and Drivers

Tips for Motorcyclists and DriversNo matter what, the seasons will change, bringing cold, ice, rain, and even dangerous heat. This is part of nature’s fascinating annual transformation. However, these changes can severely impact road safety.

Whether you are a motorist or a motorcyclist, your risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident is much higher when serious weather events occur. It is important to know and understand how various weather conditions can affect your safety as the seasons change and what you can do to potentially protect yourself and others from being in an accident and suffering severe or fatal injuries.

How do different weather conditions in various seasons impact road safety in Chicago?

Even those who enjoy the picturesque snow in the winter, the beautiful flowers in the spring, the green landscapes in the summer, and the ever-changing leaves in the fall need to acknowledge that each season brings challenges for drivers trying to navigate the roadways. Below, we will go over a few different weather conditions and how they can impact road safety in the Chicago area.

  • Winter’s snow and ice: Our area typically sees an average of around 30 to 40 inches of snow each year, which can quickly turn into sleet or ice. While winter may create beautiful snowy backdrops around people’s homes, it is known to create hazardous situations on the roadway. This is because the more snow and ice that accumulates and sticks to the roadways, the more likely drivers are to skid, slide, and lose complete control of their vehicles, causing dangerous accidents to occur.
  • Spring’s rain and showers: Even though spring is known as the season when everything starts coming alive, it can also bring tons of rain and showers to the area. When it drizzles or lightly rains, the roads become wet, slick, and slippery, which can be very risky for drivers and motorcyclists. However, when it pours, the water is likely to sit on top of the roadway, which can lead to hydroplaning. Hydroplaning happens when your vehicle “loses contact with the road and begins to ride on the water.” This can be extremely terrifying as your tires are no longer directly on the road, increasing the chances of spinning out or losing control of your vehicle.
  • Summer’s heat and storms: Summer is usually filled with relaxing and fun days at Lake Michigan or on the Chicago Riverwalk. However, for those who need to drive somewhere, the summer can lead to scorching heat and bright sunny conditions, which can cause increased tire pressure and visibility issues from sun glares. Due to this, many drivers may experience tire blowouts or loss of control. Summer is also known to bring several thunderstorms to the Chicago area, especially on humid days. This can lead to strong winds, downpours, hail, and even  tornadoes, which can cause extremely dangerous conditions on the roadway and affect visibility, stability, control, and more.
  • Autumn’s slick and slippery roads: When Autumn leaves fall onto the roadway, they can create a slippery and slick surface. The leaves and other debris become wet from rain and dew, which can lead to a vehicle’s tires losing traction and skidding across a leaf pile that has accumulated on the road. When this happens, the vehicle may slam into another vehicle, veer into a lane of oncoming traffic, or run off the road, which can have severe or fatal consequences.

Seven safety tips for drivers and motorcyclists during different types of hazardous weather

As the seasons continuously change, drivers and motorcyclists must take the appropriate measures to prepare ahead of time and drive defensively. The following are seven safety tips you should follow when navigating the recurring challenges of the various seasons and hazardous weather events:

  1. Ensure that your vehicle or motorcycle is inspected and maintained once a year: It is crucial to have your vehicle or motorcycle inspected and maintained at least once a year. This gives you an idea of what is wrong with your vehicle or motorcycle, what is necessary to increase its driving performance in different weather conditions, and whether you need any repairs or maintenance. By taking your vehicle or motorcycle to a shop once a year, a mechanic will ensure that you have adequate fluids, your lights work, your brakes are up to par, your tires have enough tread, and more.
  2. Purchase specific weather gear for your vehicle or motorcycle: Before certain weather conditions arrive, you may need to purchase appropriate items or gear for your vehicle or motorcycle. For example, a motorcyclist may need a helmet that protects them from sun glares in the summer, and a passenger vehicle driver may need to purchase chains for their tires in the winter.
  3. Watch your speed and be ready to slow down: Anytime hazardous weather occurs, you should watch your speed and slow down. Although speed limits are put in place to keep you and others safe, you may need to drive slower than the posted speed limits during certain weather events. For example, if it is raining, both passenger vehicle drivers and motorcycle riders should reduce their speeds. This helps prevent sliding, skidding, or hydroplaning.
  4. Give others plenty of space: No matter what type of hazardous weather conditions you experience, it is important to provide others in front of you with plenty of space. This gives you extra time to slow down so you don’t cause a rear-end accident. While a rear-end accident can be dangerous for a passenger vehicle driver, it can be even more treacherous for motorcyclists because they may be ejected from their bike, hit the pavement, and suffer life-threatening injuries.
  5. Stay updated and informed of weather events or conditions: If you are planning to go somewhere, it is essential to stay updated and informed on weather events or conditions heading your way. You can do this by tuning into your favorite news channel or even scrolling the internet for specific weather forecasts. Once you know how much snow or rain will be arriving and when to expect these conditions, you can plan your route accordingly or make the decision to postpone until a later time when the weather improves.
  6. Give yourself extra time to make it to your destination: When an ice storm, snow, or even a thunderstorm emerges, roads and highways can become congested. In these conditions, you must remember to give yourself extra time to drive carefully and cautiously. It is never a good idea to rush or drive aggressively. This will only create a stressful and frustrating environment on the roadway, which can lead to a car accident.
  7. Pull over when necessary: Never hesitate to pull over when the weather becomes too risky or hazardous. Passenger vehicles are equipped with four-way flashers, which you can turn on to let others around you know that you are pulling over or stopping due to the weather. If you are a motorcycle owner, it is a good idea to install a four-way flasher kit onto your bike, which you can use anytime there is an emergency situation. When you pull over, make sure that you are as far from the road as possible and that you have plenty of room on the right shoulder area to avoid being hit by other vehicles.

Have you recently been involved in a car or motorcycle accident that occurred in hazardous weather conditions? If so, the Chicago car and motorcycle accident attorneys at Gainsberg Law are ready and available to assist you. We have many years of experience helping all motor vehicle accident victims in various weather conditions. Please call our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free case evaluation in Chicago today.