Which Nursing Home Complaints Are the Most Serious?

All residents of nursing homes have some complaints. Many complaints are the ones everyone has – the soup’s too cold, why don’t you have this publication, or my closets could be bigger. Some complaints are unique to seniors who may be more sensitive to weather, loneliness, and problems due to ill health. Other complaints require…

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What to Do if Your Car Breaks Down in the Summer

Summer is a time for relaxing and kicking back. Widespread vaccinations this year are encouraging extended families to bond again. After being confined for so long, it’s great to think about traveling to parks, the homes of friends, and vacation locales. There are risks to summertime travel, though. You need to make sure your car…

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Commercial Trucks and Braking Issues

Trucks generally need more time to brake and come to a stop than passenger cars. There are many different reasons why trucks need more time, including the size and weight of the truck, the number of tires, the type of brakes, and other factors. Eighteen-wheelers, semis, tractor-trailers, and other heavy trucks are among some of…

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Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents

When you get into a car accident, regardless of any sort of fault involved, there’s a lengthy list of possible injuries you could suffer from. A lot of them are severe and life-threatening — those are usually the ones that make the papers — but not all. Sometimes, the injuries don’t involve broken bones or…

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Proving Product Liability Where It Counts: Amazon Edition

When we purchase a product, be it online or in person, we have certain expectations. For example, we hope whatever it is works for its intended purpose, that it’s safe to use, and that — if something goes wrong — we can get some sort of compensation for it. These are reasonable demands. Besides, it’s…

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Unsafe Work Conditions Are Not Your Fault

Working is a normal, necessary part of our current society. We all need to do it in some way or another to support ourselves and our families, to keep bread on the table. Unfortunately, while many of us are lucky enough to land a solid, healthy career, many others are not so lucky. A job…

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7 Hazards to Look Out for When Riding a Motorcycle This Spring

Riding a motorcycle is exhilarating. It’s also incredibly dangerous, no matter how much experience you have. There’s just not enough protection for you or your passenger on a motorcycle. As you prepare your motorcycle for the warmer weather of the spring season, be sure to look for the following seven hazards once you head out…

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