Operating a Truck in Reverse Can Be Deadly

Operating a tractor-trailer in reverse is one of the most challenging tasks for a truck driver. With blind spots, the weight of the truck, and often no backup cameras like smaller vehicles have, truck drivers need to be incredibly careful when reversing their rigs. Backup accidents involving tractor-trailers are dangerous, and can even be deadly.…

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Scientists Warn Brain Damage Possible in Patients with Coronavirus

Scientists from the United Kingdom are warning that patients who suffer mild symptoms from the Coronavirus could develop brain damage. The report was published in The Guardian after 40 patients with confirmed Covid-19 symptoms were analyzed by doctors. The patients suffered from delirium, brain inflammation, stroke, and nerve damage. In a handful of cases, neurological…

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The Loss of Mercy Hospital Is a Tragedy in Every Sense of the Word

The word “tragedy” is defined as “an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress.” The loss of life from coronavirus is tragic. The closing of Mercy Hospital may be even more so. With no financial commitment from the Illinois General Assembly, four hospitals – Advocate Trinity Hospital, Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, South Shore Hospital…

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Understanding Jurisdiction in Civil Litigation Claims

Jurisdiction is a question of which court should hear your case. In many instances, jurisdiction is clear. In other cases, multiple courts may have jurisdiction and a determination needs to be made which of those multiple courts will be the court of record. Federal courts and state courts both may have jurisdiction. Courts in different…

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Your Rights If You’re Hurt during a Protest in Chicago

In this current climate, people are protesting for many different reasons. Most protests are fairly quiet and fairly peaceful. Sometimes, though, protests can lead to confrontations and assaults. The rights of anyone who is assaulted depend, in good part, on who caused the harm and how it was caused. Police and law enforcement are generally…

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Why the ADA Doesn’t Exempt You from Wearing a Mask

Americans with a disability or associated with someone who has a disability need to be aware of a scam that is currently active during the COVID-19 crisis. The scam involves false documents that seek to provide authority from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) that people with a disability are exempt from the requirement to…

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Can You Sue the City If You Get Hit by a Garbage Truck?

Although garbage and trash collection trucks generally move more slowly than other vehicles, if you’re involved in an accident with one, you likely won’t come out a winner. The injuries and damages resulting from these encounters can be particularly serious. When determining liability after a garbage truck causes an accident, it mostly depends on who…

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Vision Loss as a Catastrophic Injury

Although loss of vision, either partially or completely, is not an immediate life-threatening condition, it can significantly alter your quality and enjoyment of life. Vision loss can occur as a result of burn injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and other injuries and conditions. The sudden disappearance of one’s vision, which we depend on so much for…

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