Can Sensors on Vehicles Replace Direct Vision as a Safety Feature?

If you are driving a truck through the busy streets of a bustling city, the importance of having maximum awareness of your surroundings and clear visibility in front, to the sides, and to the rear cannot be overstated. However, some vehicles, including large trucks, are manufactured in a way that leaves drivers with significant “blind…

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When Can I Sue My Insurance Company?

 When you are a victim of some sort of loss, and you have insurance to cover that loss – such as a fire destroys your house, or a thief steals your car, or a thief steals your furs and jewelry that are inside your house – when you are a victim from such a…

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How Do You Know if the Truck Driver Was Overworked?

 If you’ve been in a trucking accident, one of the first factors that needs to be examined is why that truck driver was on the road, whether that truck driver was going from a certain point to another point, and how long the truck driver was on the road. Federal law requires truck drivers…

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The Dangers of Overreliance on GPS Devices

GPS systems work wonders in helping car drivers, truckers, and others navigate the roads and highways of Illinois. There are dangers with relying too much on a GPS, though. Drivers who rely on looking at their GPS can easily become distracted. The driver’s focus can shift from looking at the traffic in front of him/her…

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What Rights Do I Have If I Fall at a Store?

 Often customers at stores fall, or are injured at a store or business, because of some sort of danger at the store. It could be something from the shelf that fell in the store. It could be a slippery substance. It could be a grocery store where there is a leaking shelf or other…

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Truck Part Manufacturers Can Improve Driver Safety

A key argument in auto product liability cases is that truck makers are in the best position to make their trucks safe. This is why they are strictly held liable if a product defect causes injuries. One parts maker, Bendix, is illustrating that new technology is one way truck part manufacturers can protect their drivers,…

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What Is Included in Illinois’ Distracted Driving Laws?

 The laws in Illinois prohibit drivers from doing a variety of activities that cause distractions. The most important of these laws is the law banning cellphone use. You cannot talk on your cellphone. You cannot text on your cellphone while driving. You can use your cellphone if you have a hands-free device, if have…

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