FDA Warning: Sunscreen Pills Are Fake and Dangerous

Summer’s here—which means it’s time for a new bottle of sunscreen. You can purchase sunscreen as a lotion, a cream, or a spray. Recently, you may have noticed in some stores or online shops “sunscreen pills” for sale, and you may even have been tempted to give them a try. Don’t. The FDA recently released…

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Woman Sues Hospital and Manufacturer for Negligence After Developing Debilitating Illness

Many people, including Illinois residents, have received the difficult prognosis that they need open-heart surgery. Although this surgery constitutes a major medical event in a person’s life, it is often performed with great success and offers a positive prognosis. There are, however, complications that can sometimes arise after surgery for these patients. As an example,…

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Motorcycle Fatalities Are Increasing in Illinois

As the weather warms up in the spring, we are all familiar with the often sudden appearance of motorcycles on the roadways. With motorcyclists joining the stream of traffic, there is also the increased risk of motorcyclists encountering threats that can lead to crashes, injuries, and even death. The Insurance Information Institute reports that motorcyclists…

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