Police Chases Too Often End in Tragedy

Police Chases Too Often End in TragedyIn recent years, police shootings have preoccupied the headlines with much controversy. However, an occurrence involving law enforcement that is talked about much less involves police chases and the injuries and deaths that too often result from these pursuits.

A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice concluded that police chases are the number one most dangerous activity executed by police officers. In fact, according to the study, many more of these police pursuits occur than do police shootings each year in the U.S.

Sobering police chase statistics in Chicago

The statistics for the Chicago area alone involving deaths as a result of police chases are astonishingly high.

A review of police chase statistics in Chicago covering the 10-year period of 2006 to 2016 reveals who is at most risk in the area for injury during a police pursuit. Innocent bystanders account for 48 percent of persons injured in these pursuits. In stark contrast, only 18 percent of those injured were fleeing drivers, 17 percent were fleeing passengers, 11 percent were pursuing police officers, and six percent were unknown.

Over this 10-year period, 216 people were injured and 108 people lost their lives in accidents involving police chases in Chicago. Most of the casualties in these cases were innocent bystanders or pursuing police officers rather than the fleeing driver of the vehicle or its occupants.

Sadly, over the years the rates involving the death of bystanders during these chases has not improved. From 2006 to 2012, 18 bystanders unassociated with these chases themselves were killed in these scenarios. Between 2013 and 2016, 18 additional bystanders uninvolved in the police pursuit were killed.

Nationwide, over 5000 fatalities of passengers and bystanders have occurred in police pursuits since 1979. Tens of thousands of additional people were injured as officers pursued fleeing drivers, sometimes in hazardous conditions and at high speeds for relatively minor infractions.

A tragic example of police chases ending in tragedy

A case in point revealing the danger and tragedy that accompanies these police pursuits involves the story of Jacqueline Reynolds, in her mid-50’s, who worked at a Chicago law firm. She lost her life on Chicago’s South Side driving to a funeral as another vehicle flew through a red light and impacted her car. The police SUV, with its sirens on and lights flashing, smashed into Reynolds blue Pontiac, killing her at the scene.

Why the increase in police chase fatalities in Chicago?

A considerable amount of discretion is given to police officers in Chicago and how they conduct a police chase. This is in contradiction to some other parts of the country in which policies are in place to restrict how and under what circumstances police officers may continue pursuit of fleeing vehicles. Some law enforcement experts believe that the complex policies Chicago police officers have to follow concerning these pursuits may contribute to the number of injuries and fatalities in the area.

Some cities, such as Milwaukee and Orlando, only allow officers to give chase to a vehicle if the driver or an occupant is a suspected violent felon. The policy instituted often allows officers to initiate a chase if the risk of letting the individual get away is deemed greater than the risk to lives posed by the pursuit.

Officers in Chicago have too often made the wrong decision to pursue a fleeing suspect which ended in tragedy for innocent victims. Although split-second decisions are part of the job of police officers, policies must be in place to help officers to effectively think through these decisions and the potential devastation to innocent lives they can cause.

If you have lost a loved one in a fatal car crash involving the actions of police officers, or for any other reason, the Chicago injury attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers can provide you with the strong legal advocacy you need at this time. No amount of money can replace your loved one. However, we can work vigorously to help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your loss. Request a free consultation today to get started. Call us at 312-600-9585 or simply complete our contact form.