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Chicago Soft Tissue Injury Lawyers
Persuasive representation when accidents cause soft tissue injuries
Any type of car, truck, or motorcycle accident can cause soft tissue injuries. Falls while on the property of businesses including nursing homes, often cause soft tissue injuries. Sports injuries can also cause soft tissue injuries. At Gainsberg Law Injury and Accident Lawyers, we have more than 20 years of experience holding drivers accountable for the accidents and injuries they cause. Our Chicago soft tissue injury lawyers work with orthopedists, neurologists, family doctors, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals to verify your type of soft tissue injury, the medical care you need, and all your pain and suffering. We’re ready to assert your right to compensation from those responsible today.
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What are soft-tissue injuries?
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, soft tissue injuries have the following categories:
A contusion
A contusion (bruise) is a soft tissue injury that occurs due to any type of blunt force such as a slip and fall. The symptoms include swelling, pain, and discoloration because there is bleeding into the soft tissue. Contusion treatments include rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.). Some contusions need more intense medical care.
A sprain
This soft tissue injury involves a partial tear of a ligament. “Ligaments are fibrous, elastic bands of tissue that connect and stabilize the bones.” A twist of the ankle, wrist, or knee can cause a sprain. R.I.C.E is also a common treatment. If there is a complete tear of the ligament, then surgery may be necessary to repair the ligament.
An ankle sprain happens when one or more ankle ligaments stretch beyond their normal range of motion. An ankle sprain can occur due to a sudden twist, turn, or rolling movement.
This soft tissue injury is an inflammation of the tendon. Your tendon is “a flexible band of tissue that connects muscle to bones.” Tendonitis often occurs at the hand, wrist, elbow, ankle, foot, hip, knee, or shoulder. The treatment for tendonitis includes rest, compression, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medicine. If the injury is acute, ice may also be helpful. Chicago accident victims who have tendonitis generally work with physical therapists who help with strengthening and stretching exercises. If you have chronic tendonitis pain, your doctor may recommend a steroid injection. You may need surgery if there is a complete tear of the tendon.
Bursitis occurs when the bursa (“a fluid-filled sac that provides a cushion between bones and muscles or tendons) becomes inflamed. Direct trauma to a joint can cause both bursitis and tendonitis. The common locations for bursitis include the elbow, shoulder, knee, hip, foot, and ankle. The treatment for bursitis is similar to that for tendonitis - rest, compression, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medicine – and ice if necessary during the acute phase to reduce swelling. If the swelling and pain lasts for a long time, Chicago accident victims may need an injection. If an infection causes bursitis, antibiotics may be necessary.
A stress fracture
A stress fracture is a small bone crack that often happens in the feet, legs, and hip (the parts of the body that bear the weight of the body). The treatments vary depending on the cause. Common treatments include elevation, ice, and anti-inflammatory medicine. Treatment also can include rest, braces, shoe inserts, and, in some cases, immobilization of the fracture with a cast. Surgery may be necessary if the crack in the bone becomes worse.
According to the Mayo Clinic, “the difference between a strain and a sprain is that a strain involves an injury to a muscle or to the band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone, while a sprain injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones together.”
What is a whiplash injury?
One common type of injury that involves a strain or sprain of the neck is called “whiplash.” A whiplash injury is a common injury in rear-end accidents because the neck and head rapidly move back and forth on impact. At Gainsberg Law Injury and Accident Lawyers, we recommend that you obtain emergency medical care for any type of soft tissue injury including whiplash. Whiplash symptoms may not appear for days or weeks which is why it’s important to be proactive and get medical care. A prompt medical exam is also necessary to rule out a fracture or other damage that can cause or worsen whiplash symptoms.
Whiplash symptoms
Whiplash symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic, include:
- Stiffness and pain in the neck
- Pain when you move your neck
- Loss of range of neck motion
- Headaches
- Tenderness in the upper back, arms, or shoulder
- Numbness or tingling in the arms
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
Other symptoms may include blurry vision, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), difficulty sleeping, difficulty focusing, memory disorders, and depression.
Whiplash complications
For many whiplash victims. the recovery period is a few weeks. Some Chicago soft tissue injury victims with whiplash may have pain that lasts for months or years. You’re more likely to have severe whiplash if you had a prior whiplash, you’re older, you have current neck or back pain, or you have a high-speed injury.
How much is my soft tissue claim worth?
We work with your doctors to verify your soft tissue injury diagnosis, show all the medical treatments you need, and every way your life is difficult or miserable because you hurt so much. We work with your employers to document your earnings loss. Our Chicago soft tissue injury lawyers demand compensation for all your damages to date and all your future damages including your:
- Medical bills
- Lost income and lost benefits
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of life’s pleasures
- Loss of consortium (marital enjoyment)
How do insurance companies try to limit soft tissue injury claims?
Insurance companies often argue that your soft tissue injuries are not as severe as you claim or that they have healed enough so that you reasonably live and function with them. They may request that you undergo an independent medical exam (IME) with one of their doctors. We’ll review how an IME works and what you should look for. Generally, the opinion of your treating doctor is more persuasive than that of the IME doctor.
Do you have a Chicago soft tissue injury lawyer near me?
Gainsberg Law Injury and Accident Lawyers is located at 77 W Washington Street, Suite 1215. Our office is right in The Loop neighborhood in downtown Chicago. There are two bus stops right near us if transportation is a concern. If your injuries prevent you from coming to our office, we will make alternative arrangements.
Our Chicago personal injury lawyers and workers’ compensation will answer all your questions and guide you step-by-step through the claims process.

Contact our accomplished Chicago lawyers now
At Gainsberg Law Injury and Accident Lawyers, we understand how traumatic soft tissue injuries are. For every day of hope that your injury will improve, there’s the despair of another twinge of pain. Our Chicago soft tissue injuries have the experience and resources to hold drivers and other responsible defendants accountable for your injuries. Call us or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation.