Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers

Our Results

At Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, we fight hard for our personal injury clients. Over the years, we have successfully represented people from all over the Chicagoland area in a wide array of cases. We invite you to read about some of our successes, or to read what our clients have said about our work.

Please note: the settlements and verdicts listed on this page are not a guarantee of the outcome of your case. Every client’s case is different, and we cannot guarantee similar outcomes.


Settlement for Traumatic Brain Injury

Female airline employee was struck in the head by a large metal luggage container knocking her to the ground. She sustained a torn labrum in her shoulder which required surgery. She also sustained a mild traumatic brain injury which resulted in cognitive deficiencies. Case settled for $3,000,000.00.


Pre-Trial Settlement for Metra Worker in FELA Action

On June 29, 2016, our client, our 43-year-old male was working as a carman apprentice and was in line to be promoted to a full carman. In the early morning hours, he was injured when his supervisor fell off the top of a ladder and fell directly on him. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers brought suit under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). At the time of the incident, our client’s supervisor was changing a window on top of rail car and failed to use a lift, but used a ladder. Plaintiff’s safety expert stated that the supervisor should have used a lift and also opinioned that the supervisor used the ladder improperly, leading to the fall.

Our client sustained injuries to his knee, elbow, back, and neck. A few months following the incident he had surgery for a meniscus tear in his knee. The defendant disputed whether the tear was related to the fall since the plaintiff had previous knee issues. The plaintiff tried to return to work but persistent neck and back pain prevented him from working. He then had successful neck and back fusion surgery but likely could not go back to working as a carman. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers negotiated a successful settlement of 1,150,000.00 before a scheduled jury trial. In addition to the settlement, Metra agreed to pay for health insurance for our client for 18 months after the settlement.


Settlements for Pedestrian Struck by CTA Bus

In the early morning hours of September 1, 2018, our client, a 48-year-old male, was coming home from a family gathering. It was a warm late summer night and our client decided to take the CTA bus home. Our client made it to the bus stop at Pulaski and Grand Ave and was waiting for the bus. Several other people were at the stop using the bench but had no intention to board the bus. The late-night bus stopped at the station and allowed a passenger to exit. Our client approached the entrance to the bus, which had its doors open. When he reached the curb, he looked back at the people still sitting at the bench. They apparently said something to him. While looking back, the bus driver decided to close the doors and leave the bus stop. The driver later claimed she did not see our client even though he was standing right next to the open front doors. As the bus began to leave the station, our client instinctively started to run after the moving bus. He stepped onto the street and was able to knock on the door.  When the bus continued to move away, he tried to run with the bus. Our client, unfortunately, lost his balance, fell to the ground, and the bus ran over his right leg.



Settlement Prior to Trial for Truck Accident Case

On January 22, 2009, a 49-year-old female was driving home after dropping her daughter off at work when a large commercial truck struck the rear end of her vehicle. After enduring months of treatment, including physical therapy and various epidural injections in her lumbar spine, she underwent a lumbar fusion surgical procedure. Just before the case was ready for trial, we negotiated a settlement with the Defendant for $890,000.00.


Settlement Prior to Trial for Rear-End Car Accident Victim

A 43-year-old male was rear-ended at a stop sign in Chicago. He sustained a herniated disc in his neck. He underwent surgery called an anterior cervical discectomy of C5-C6. Prior to trial, the case settled for $887,500.00.


Settlement for Elderly Lady Assaulted by Security Guard

On August 3, 2016, our 65-year-old female client was visiting her husband at a CHA apartment in Chicago, IL. Her husband was disabled, and our client was his primary care taker. An apparent homeless person was trespassing in the laundry room of the apartment building and trying to light matches. The building employed one security guard. Recognizing the danger of the matches, our client requested that the security guard address the homeless person and prevent a fire. The security guard refused to go to the laundry room. Our client then decided to go to the laundry room and was able to escort the homeless person out of the building. Hours later, while exiting the building, she complained to the security guard about not doing his job. He grabbed our client with both arms, dragged her toward the lobby door, and caused her to fall to the ground. Our client suffered a significant right wrist fracture.

The security guard tried to hide the incident and blame the fall on a rug in the lobby. Even after a lawsuit was filed, the security guard’s employer continued to deny fault and asked that the lawsuit be dismissed. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to get the video of the incident from a lobby camera. The video captured the security guard’s wrongful conduct and assault and battery on our client. The video proves the security guard caused our client’s fall and injuries. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was also able to find out that the security guard had lied on his application about his work experience and hid past employment terminations for misconduct as a security officer.



Settlement in Slip and Fall Case

A senior citizen fractured her hip after tripping and falling on a dangerous plywood board, requiring surgery. We settled the case for $485,000.


Arbitration Award to Door Dash Driver in Uninsured Motorist Claim

On November 13, 2020, our 34-year-old client was delivering food as a Door Dash driver. He was stopped so he could make a left turn when another vehicle, coming from the opposite direction, crossed the center line, struck him head on, and caused the car accident.

Our client suffered head, neck, and back issues. He eventually saw a pain doctor for herniations in both his cervical and lumbar spine. He had MRI scans to confirm the disk injuries and underwent a series of steroid epidural injections. When the pain in his neck continued at a high level and the injections did not seem to help, he was referred to a neurosurgeon. The neurosurgeon confirmed the herniations in his neck and recommended a fusion procedure.

The at-fault driver did not have insurance. Our client’s insurance company paid the policy limits for uninsured coverage under our client’s policy. Door Dash maintained excess uninsured motorist benefits. Our client’s injuries warranted such benefits. Door Dash’s insurance company, however, disputed our client’s injuries and offered a negligible amount. They hired an orthopedic doctor to question the type of injuries at issue and the need for any surgical procedures. The matter then proceeded to arbitration pursuant to the Illinois Insurance Code.



Policy Limits in Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A fifteen-year-old boy was killed in a house fire. We settled the case for the policy limits of $300,000.00.


Settlement for Intersection Motor Vehicle Crash

On July 12, 2022, our clients, a 41-year-old male and his 52-year-old wife, were enjoying time with family that had travelled from out of the country – specifically the wife’s sister and her husband, both 65 years old. As they were driving in the City of Chicago near Kedzie and 31st Street, another vehicle made a left turn in front of them. The vehicle turned from the far-right shoulder, cutting off traffic before it struck our client’s vehicle that had a green light as it traveled through the intersection. Our client did not see the at-fault vehicle since it suddenly crossed two lanes of traffic from the shoulder before making the improper turn. The collision caused our clients’ vehicle to veer to its right and onto the sidewalk.

The three passengers in our clients’ vehicle were transported by ambulance to the emergency room. The driver went to the hospital later in the day. All four occupants endured months of doctor visits, therapy visits, scans for injuries to various areas of their bodies, including head, neck, back, shoulders, and knees. The front passenger also sustained lacerations from the air bag being activated.



Settlement for Female Driver Struck by a Semi-truck

On November 12, 2019, our client, a 36-year-old female, was stopped in her vehicle at an intersection in Chicago, IL. A semi-truck, making a left hand turn, decided to reverse back toward our client’s vehicle. While reversing, the semi-truck struck our client’s vehicle several times. Our client sustained cervical and shoulder injuries. A cervical MRI showed disk protrusions and a herniation at C2-C3 and C5-C6. Under the care of a pain management doctor, she underwent a course of physical therapy, a cervical medial branch block, and two cervical radiofrequency medial branch neurotomies. She improved after undergoing this care and treatment. The case settled within 6 months of the accident.


 Settlement for Elderly Women Who Slipped and Fell on Uneven Concrete

On June 25, 2019, our client, a 67-year-old female, was on a routine visit to her doctor’s office. While walking on the walkway to the entrance of the office building, she fell on a dangerous and uneven condition on the concrete. The condition of the walkway was made worse by an unmonitored sprinkler system, causing pools of water to develop and a very slippery condition. Our client sustained a comminuted fracture to her left ankle and needed emergency surgery. She did make progress following surgery and rehabilitation but was later diagnosed with post-traumatic arthritis. The personal injury attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were able to establish liability for the slip and fall accident and point out to the insurance company how the doctor’s office could have protected its patients better and prevented this unfortunate fall. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers then secured a fair and just settlement for our client.


Settlement for Uninsured Motorist Claim by Bicyclist Injured in Hit-and-Run

On July 31, 2016, a 61-year-old male was struck by a hit-and-run vehicle and thrown about 50 feet, in addition to being dragged by the vehicle. He sustained several wounds and abrasions (requiring multiple sutures), a comminuted fracture of the right clavicle, a nondisplaced fracture of the head of the clavicle, a mid-sternal fracture, and a left 4th rib fracture. He also experienced vertigo following the accident. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers filed an uninsured motorist claim for our client based on the wrongful conduct of the hit-and-run driver, and was able to convince the client’s insurance company of the permanent and severe nature of the man’s injuries. The client agreed to a $250,000.00 settlement for his injuries.


Policy Limits Settlement for Wrongful Death of a Passenger in Work Van Collision

On January 21, 2021, a 54-year-old male was working as a packer and mover for a packing company. It was a snowy day, and he was a back seat passenger in a work van. The work van was headed to a job site when a vehicle traveling in the opposite lane of traffic swerved into the van’s lane, causing a head-on collision. The driver of the at-fault vehicle was traveling too fast for conditions and lost control of the vehicle.  The male worker and victim of the auto collision suffered catastrophic injuries and died a few hours after being transported to the nearest hospital. The family of the victim hired the wrongful death attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers. Our attorneys were able to establish fault quickly on behalf of the driver that caused the head-on collision, address any workers’ compensation benefits that the victim’s family was entitled to, and gathered the appropriate evidence of economic and emotional loss and support suffered by the victim’s family. As a result, Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers secured a settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company for the policy limits and obtained some justice to a family that lost a loved one in this tragic accident.


Policy Limits for Neck Fracture in Auto Accident

On August 28, 2017, our client, a 32-year-old female, was driving straight through the intersection on a green light in Will County, IL. An approaching vehicle attempted to make a left-hand turn in front of her and struck her head on. The client sustained a C6 cervical fracture and right vertebrae artery dissection.  On August 31, 2017, she had fusion surgery on her neck and recovered well. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers obtained the policy limits of $250,000.00 for our client.


Policy Limits for Pedestrian Struck by a Drunk Driver

On May 13, 2018, our client a 25-year-old female, was struck by a drunk driver while crossing the street in Blue Island, IL. Our client sustained left tibia and fibular fractures and a right femur fracture. She had emergency surgery on both legs and was hospitalized for a week after the accident, plus spent time in a rehabilitation center. The drunk driver was unable to produce insurance at the scene before his arrest. The drunk driver eventually plead guilty to aggravated driving under the influence for injuring our client and also pled guilty to having no insurance. The drunk driver’s vehicle was owned by a different individual. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to find insurance for this vehicle through the owner’s policy, a policy not known by the driver nor disclosed in the police report. After obtaining valid insurance for the incident, Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers obtained a policy limits settlement of $250,000.00.


Settlement in Car Crash Case

A man was struck by a teenage driver while crossing a street in Chicago. He sustained a comminuted and depressed lateral tibial plateau fracture with associated hemarthrosis. He underwent open reduction and internal fixation with an anterior compartment fasciotomy. Case settled for $250,000.00.

[More on Car Accidents]


Victims of Rear End Accident Caused by Distracted Driver

On December 11, 2020, our three clients – a 41-year-old female, a 39-year-old female, and a 48-year-old-male – were on their way home after visiting friends. While stopped at a red light, they were rear ended by a distracted driver. The clients went to the emergency room that day and had injuries to their head, neck, and back. As a result of the collision, they underwent several months of treatment for their injuries. Our clients had physical therapy but also had more aggressive treatment of epidural injections.  The auto accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers established to the insurance company that the type of collision required and necessitated our clients’ treatment, plus the pain and suffering they experienced. The settlement was negotiated shortly after our clients’ completed treatment.


15-Year-Old Bicyclist Hit by a Car

On May 12, 2016, a 15-year-old boy, while riding his bicycle and crossing the street in Orland Park, IL, was hit by a car. The minor sustained a left leg fracture. He had open reduction surgery at Lurie Children’s hospital in Chicago and a rod was inserted to stabilize the fracture. The minor had two additional surgeries at Lurie Hospital to stabilize the fracture site further, and to remove the inserted rod. He had a successful recovery. After extensive negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurance company, the family agreed to a $240,000.00 settlement.


Settlement for Premises Liability Case at a Beauty Salon

A customer at a beauty salon sustained a cracked vertebra when a chair that she sat in collapsed. Case settled for $225,000.00.

[More on Premises Liability]


Policy Limit Settlement for Teacher in Motor Vehicle Crash

On March 26, 2023, our 44 year-old client was on I-57 in Chicago, heading back home after errands on a Sunday afternoon. While traveling in the right lane, another vehicle in the far left lane suddenly crossed three lanes of traffic and struck his vehicle on the passenger side. The at-fault vehicle lost control after driving over some water and hydroplaning. The crash was heavy, and our client’s vehicle was towed from the scene with disabling damage.

Our client went to the emergency room the same day for chest, back, and neck injuries. He received several scans at the emergency room and was there for an entire evening. Within six weeks of the accident, the car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, were able to negotiate policy limit settlements for both our client’s property and damage and personal injury claims.

But our work was not done. Our client faced significant medical bills from the emergency room visit. At first, the hospital refused to bill our client’s health insurance. The car accident and insurance lawyers at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers contacted the hospital and demanded they bill health insurance. After receiving our demands, the hospital immediately complied. As a result, our client’s liability for the medical bills was significantly reduced and the bulk of the policy limits settlement went to our client for his pain and suffering and loss of normal.



Settlement for Victim of Rear End Accident Leading to Premature Birth of Baby

On September 7, 2018, our client 39-year-old pregnant women was rear ended while stopped at the red light. At the time of the collision, our client was 26 weeks pregnant with her first child, and which she considered a miracle child due to her age. Our client was transported to the emergency room. She was examined and observed with good fetal movement and no cramping. She was discharged from the hospital with neck and wrist pain. On September 10, 2018, our client experienced contractions and cramping.  She was rushed to the hospital where she delivered her baby preterm. The baby boy weighed only 2 pounds and 12 ounces at birth and was immediately transported to the neonatal unit of the children’s hospital. The baby boy remained in the neonatal unit for over 2 months until discharged. While born premature, our client’s son has done exceptionally well since his release from the hospital, exceeding growth charts and other developments, typical of a premature baby.



Settlement for Victim of Rear End Accident

Our client, a 39-year-old male was involved in a rear end accident on September 9, 2016. Our client was stopped at a red light in Skokie, IL and was struck in the rear of his vehicle. He sustained injuries to his back and knee. After a referral to an orthopedic surgeon, our client underwent arthroscopic knee surgery. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers obtained a $115,000.00 settlement.


Settlement for Collision During a Funeral Procession

On October 26, 2020, our client, a 24-year-old female, had just left a funeral of a close family friend. She was riding in the vehicle procession to the cemetery in Harvey, IL when another driving coming toward the procession failed to see the line of cars. Our client’s car, like the other vehicles in the procession, had a funeral sticker on it, its hazards lights were activated, and it was traveling at a low speed. Nonetheless, the negligent driver, traveling at a speed too fast for conditions and trying to beat the funeral procession, struck our client’s vehicle on the driver’s side and spun it around. Our client was transported by ambulance to the hospital. She sustained neck, back, and a left hip injury. After being released from the hospital, she followed up with specialists who recommended a course of physical therapy and an epidural injection to her lower back when the pain persisted.

The car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were able to secure witness statements that showed the negligent driver failed to yield to the funeral procession and was at-fault for the collision. The negligent driver was also cited by the responding police officer. Following her recovery, Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers’s car accident attorneys negotiated a fair and equitable settlement for our client.


$105,000 Settlement for Passenger Injured in Rollover Car Accident

A 21-year-old male was a passenger in an automobile that ran off the road and flipped over several times. The injured passenger was transported to the hospital with several injuries, including a fractured finger. The passenger hired Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers when the driver was uncooperative, and the police report did not indicate any insurance. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to locate insurance for the at-fault driver and additional insurance through the client’s family due to the severity of the injury. After several surgeries, the client had to have his finger amputated. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to negotiate a successful settlement with both insurance companies and recovered the maximum amount of insurance available for its client of $105,000.00.


Policy Limits Settlement for Pedestrian Who Suffered Catastrophic Injuries in Crosswalk Collision

On January 28, 2021, our client, a 48-year-old female, was with her husband. She was crossing a street in a crosswalk in Blue Island, IL when a driver failed to see her and struck her in the crosswalk. Our client suffered massive injuries from the collision, including several fractures, head trauma, and spinal issues   Our client was hospitalized for several months and had double-digit surgeries. After Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was hired, our car accident attorneys quickly obtained recorded statements of the witnesses and established clear liability of the driver that hit our client. Our attorneys also demanded that the negligent driver contribute to any settlement. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to secure within a few months a policy limits settlement and a personal contribution from the negligent driver. While compensation alone will not come close to making our client whole, she was rendered justice in the fact that the settlement hurt the negligent driver financially and thus constituted an admission that he was in the wrong.


Settlement for Child Injured by a Postal Truck

On July 6, 2016, a five-year-old boy and his mother were enjoying a barbeque with other family members and friends. Due to the recent July 4th holiday, there was an increase in mail and deliveries. As a result, a postal worker, who was behind schedule, decided to take a short cut through a residential alley where several children were enjoying the barbeque in an adjacent field. The postal truck struck the minor as he exited the back door of a residence to return to the field. The minor suffered a fracture to his right leg, which required casting.

The postal worker denied causing any injury at the scene and claimed that the minor fell but was not struck by the truck. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers immediately secured video of the accident, which showed the postal truck speeding through the alley and coming into contact with the minor.

Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers then brought a claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act. During the administrative proceeding, the Postal Service paid the mother’s claim pursuant to the Illinois Family Expense Act but denied the minor’s claim. Gainsberg law brought suit in the United States District Court against the United States of America. The matter settled after a settlement conference before the court.


Policy Limits Settlement for Hit and Run Accident

On May 19, 2019, our client, a 54-year-old male, was rear-ended while stopped at the traffic light at Voyager LN and Plainfield RD in Joliet, IL. The force of the impact caused the front windshield of my client’s car to crack and caused my client’s vehicle to strike the car in front of him. The at-fault driver then backed up and attempted to flee the scene. While fleeing, he rear-ended a motorcycle before finally leaving the scene. Luckily, the victims of the hit and run driver and bystanders took down the license plate of the hit and run offender. The offender was caught, and he eventually admitted to causing the accident.

Our client sustained head and neck injuries. He was rushed to the hospital and released in stable condition after undergoing a serious of tests and scans in the emergency room. As his neck pain persisted and intensified, his treating physician order a cervical MRI. The MRI revealed many disk herniations on multiple levels in the neck. As a result, our client underwent several months of physical therapy and pain management, which included medial branch blocks and cervical radiofrequency injections. Our client’s recovery was slow but eventually his neck pain diminished.

Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to get justice for its client. The hit and run driver’s insurance company settled for its policy limits of $50,000.00. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers also recovered $50,000.00 additional insurance coverage under its client’s underinsured bodily injury motorist benefits, the limits of the UIM coverage.


Policy Limits Settlement for Wrongful Death of a Pedestrian

On January 26, 2020, a 58-year-old female was crossing the street when she was hit by a speeding car. The woman passed away at the scene. After the traffic ticket was dismissed against the at-fault driver, her distraught two adult children contacted Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers to seek justice. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers investigated the accident, obtained police reports that the police sought not to release, and received an apology from the driver. With the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the family of the decedent agreed to resolve the matter for the policy limits of the speeding driver’s insurance policy.


Policy Limits Settlement for Pedestrian Struck Crossing the Street Outside of the Crosswalk

On January 5, 2018, our client, a 50-year-old male, was on his way home from work. Every day he crossed a four lane street outside the crosswalk. There was a large median that he would use after he crossed the street halfway. While standing on the medium, he was struck by vehicle making a left-hand turn. Our client fell off the median and sustained a broken left leg. He was rushed to the hospital where he had emergency surgery. The responding officer gave our client a ticket for crossing the street outside the crosswalk. As a result, the insurance company for the at-fault driver denied the claim.

Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers filed a lawsuit. Following depositions of the driver and the police officer, who stated that the defendant/driver did not see our client, the case settled for the policy limits.


Settlement for Pedestrian Run Over by an Uninsured Driver on Super Bowl Sunday

A 37-year-old female was shoveling snow with her daughter in an alley next to her garage on Super Bowl Sunday during a snowstorm. A car came through the alley and ran over the pedestrian right in front of her daughter. The car did not stop but left the scene. The pedestrian suffered severe fractures to her spine, underwent surgery, and missed substantial time from work. The pedestrian attempted to file a claim with her own insurance company but was unsuccessful. She then hired Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers to bring an uninsured motorist claim since the pedestrian was injured by a hit and run driver. At first, the pedestrian’s insurance company blamed her for the accident, even though she has been run over, saying she was playing in the snow. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to get the insurance company the proper police, ambulance, and medical reports to demonstrate the pedestrian did nothing wrong. Shortly after presenting this information, Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to negotiate a settlement for the policy limits of $100,000.00.


Settlement for Driver Who Sustained Shoulder Tear in a Car Accident

A 45-year-old male was in a car accident when the other driver failed to yield to a stop sign and t-boned his vehicle. He hired Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers to recover damages for his injuries. The client had shoulder pain following that accident and saw an orthopedic in Chicago. Following an MRI, he had a full thickness tear of his shoulder. He had shoulder repair surgery and several months of rehabilitation. The case settled for the at-fault party’s insurance limits of $100,000.00.


Settlement for Bicyclist Struck by a Car

A 29-year-old male bicyclist was struck by a motor vehicle that was making an improper turn. The injured bicyclist sustained a broken clavicle. The case settled for the policy limits of $100,000 for all insurance policies that covered the bicyclist’s significant injury.


Settlement in Car Accident That Led to the Death of a Pedestrian

On December 19, 2013, an elderly pedestrian was crossing the street near his home as he routinely did for many years. A motorist made an improper left-hand turn and struck the pedestrian, causing severe injuries and knocking him unconscious. At the scene, the motorist blamed the elderly pedestrian even though he made a left-hand turn. The responding police officer believed the motorist and refused to issue a traffic citation. The next day the elderly pedestrian died at the hospital due to his injuries from the collision. The family of the elderly pedestrian hired Neal Gainsberg, and within a month’s time, Mr. Gainsberg was able to get the motorist’s insurance company to pay the full policy limits for the motorist’s negligent conduct and causing the death of the elderly pedestrian.


Policy Limits for Head-On Collision Involving Multiple Vehicles

On April 15, 2021, our client, a 64-year-old-male, was on his way home from an errand when he was in a multiple-vehicle accident. Our client was going northbound on Cicero Ave in Chicago, IL when a Jeep Liberty, traveling southbound on Cicero at a high rate of speed, lost control, side-swiped a vehicle, crossed the center line, and struck our client’s car head-on, on the driver’s side of his vehicle. Our client suffered a crushing injury to his left leg and hip. He had a broken femur and needed emergency surgery to repair the fracture. He also suffered a fracture to his fibular or left lower leg. Our client was hospitalized for close to a month as he rehabilitated his left leg and hip injuries.

The vehicle that collided with our client’s car had rear-ended another vehicle shortly before losing control and striking our client head-on. The collision with our client caused a fifth car to strike our client’s vehicle and veer off the street and into a fence. In light of the multiple collisions, the auto accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers had to address the injuries sustained and the insurance availability of the at-fault driver. Our client was the most severely injured victim of this collision and Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers pointed our that his injuries warranted the policy limits of the at-fault driver. Gainsberg law was able to secure the policy limits for our client within six months of the collision and thereby obtained justice and compensation for our client’s serious injuries.


Policy Limits Settlement for Passenger Injured in a T-Bone Collision

On February 4, 2021, our client, a 40-year-old male, was a passenger in vehicle driven by his spouse. He was heading home with family when another vehicle failed to yield to a red light and t-boned the passenger side of the vehicle. Our client had to be extracted from the vehicle by EMS personnel and immediately transported to the hospital. Our client suffered a right clavicle fracture and several fractured ribs. He was hospitalized for several days. The car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were able to show that the at-fault driver did not stop at a red light and, due to wintery weather, was driving too fast for conditions that made the collision worse. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was then able to secure the policy limits for our injured clients within 2two months of the motor vehicle accident and obtain the justice our client deserved for his severe injuries.


Policy Limits Settlement for Victim of Distracted Driving Intersection Collision

Our client, a 37-year-old male was driving home with his spouse on February 6, 2021, when a distracted driver on the phone ran a red light and struck our client’s vehicle in the intersection. Our client was transported to the emergency room with trauma to his head, neck, and back, plus cuts and scrapes throughout his body. He subsequently developed massive bruising in his lower body. He was recommended scans and a course of physical therapy for his back and neck injuries. Our client also saw a neurologist who diagnosed him with memory loss and other neurologic deficits. As our client’s bruising healed, he developed a deformity in his lower body. A surgeon recommended plastic surgery for the deformity. After Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers and its auto accident lawyers presented the evidence of liability and significant injuries sustained to our client, the insurance company for the negligent driver agreed to tender and pay the policy limits.


Policy Limits for Client Injured in Accident in an Intersection

Our client, a 45-year-old woman, was traveling through an intersection when she was struck by another vehicle. She suffered injuries to her head, back, and neck, necessitating an epidural steroid injection to her cervical spine. She still has some lingering weakness and discomfort in the back. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to secure a policy limit settlement.


Policy Limits Settlement for Rideshare Passenger

Our client, a 57-year-old male, was a passenger in a rideshare vehicle that was stopped at a red light. Another vehicle, travelling at a high rate of speed, reared ended the ride share vehicle. The car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, P.C secured the police body camera videos that established the clear negligence of the at-fault driver.

Our client sustained low back pain and a neck injury. An MRI revealed that our client had disk herniations in his cervical spine. Our client underwent several epidural injections to help alleviate the pain. When the pain continued, he was referred to a neurosurgeon, who recommended a cervical fusion. The Chicago personal injury attorneys of Gainsberg were able to secure a policy limit settlement based on the type of neck injury our client sustained and the need for surgical intervention.


Settlement for Female Passenger Struck by a Lost Driver Near the Airport

On September 22, 2019, our client, a 32-year-old female who works for an airline, was leaving work. She was picked up by her roommate at the airport and was heading home on the same route she always takes. A driver in the lane next to her was unfamiliar with the airport area and apparently missed a turn to get to the terminal. The driver decided to make an illegal U-Turn from the right-hand land and struck my client’s vehicle on the passenger door, right next to where she was sitting. The impact aggravated a previous back injury that my client had suffered at work. My client underwent five months of pain management, including epidural injections and a medial branch block. The case settled within 8 months of the accident.


Bicycle Accident Victim

Our client, a 24-year-old male was riding his bicycle in Oak Park, IL on December 4, 2017. A car making an improper turn struck our client. He was thrown from his bicycle and sustained a head injury and a large laceration to his forehead. He was transported to the hospital to rule out a concussion. He followed up with visits to several doctors and a course of physical therapy for headaches and neck pain. Our client also had a hypertonic scar of several centimeters to his forehead. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers obtained a settlement of $91,984.00.


Order for Injury Victim Whose Claim Was Wrongfully Denied by Unique Insurance Company

April 5, 2017, a judge awarded more than $90,000 to our client after his insurer, Unique Insurance Company, wrongfully denied his claim. Our client sustained bodily injury in an accident with an uninsured driver. His personal injury damages, medical bills, pain and suffering – the original claim – did not exceed the $20,000 policy limits. The insurer for the at-fault party denied coverage for non-cooperation. Unique Insurance Company, therefore, was contractually bound to honor the claim. Instead, contrary to IL law, Unique insisted we had the burden to sue the insurer for the at-fault party and provide non-coverage. The court awarded our client the full amount of the attorneys’ fees, as well as $60,0000 in sanctions against Unique Insurance Company for violating section 155 of the Illinois Insurance Code, and acting unreasonable and vexatious in responding to an uninsured motorist claim.

[More on Insurance Claims]


Settlement for Elderly Pedestrian Hit by a Car

On May 19, 2014, a 73-year-old male was out for his morning walk. He was struck by a driver that was backing out of an alley in Chicago, IL. The elderly male fell on the sidewalk and was immediately transported by ambulance to the hospital. Due to his injuries and other pre-existing ailments, he spent the night at the hospital. The elderly pedestrian suffered injuries to his back, shoulder, head, and ankle. He was required to go through extensive physical therapy to be able to get back on his feet and once again enjoy a morning walk. He hired Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers to obtain compensation against the at-fault driver. The insurance company for the at-fault driver was reluctant at first to offer any significant money due to our client’s age and previous ailments. After extensive negotiations, Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers obtained a fair and equitable settlement for our elderly client, convincing the insurance company that the impact aggravated our client’s underlying condition as well as caused new injuries to him.


Slip and Fall on Improperly Installed Tiles

Our client, a 39-year-old female, worked at a large office building in downtown Chicago, IL. On February 4, 2015, she was entering the building when she fell on wet and slippery tile outside the entrance. She injured her knee and had an arthroscopic procedure. The tile had been recently installed as part of a renovation of the building. At the time of our client’s fall, it had recently snowed, and the tile was wet. The building’s insurance company initially denied liability, claiming the weather caused the fall and not the tile.

Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to locate the contractors that installed the title and the type of tile installed. The building and the contractors had chosen to install cheaper tile that was not designed for heavy pedestrian traffic outside a large office building. This brand of tile also became more slippery when wet as compared to more expensive, safer tile. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers also discovered that many tenants of the building had complained to the building management about the slippery tile. After the litigation revealed the nature of the tile, Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to obtain a settlement of $80,000.00.


Slip and Fall on Improperly Installed Tiles

On January 22, 2020, our client, a 65-year-old male, was travelling south on Fairfield Street in Wauconda, IL when another vehicle attempted to turn left in front of him and collided with our client’s vehicle. The paramedics had to extricate our client from his vehicle before transporting him to a local hospital with back and neck injuries. X-rays revealed nondisplaced fractures to his neck and back. Our client subsequently had physical therapy for his injuries to control his pain. The pandemic also limited our client’s treatment options following the incident.

At first, the insurance company for the other driver disputed several facts of the accident. The car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers pointed out the conduct of the at-fault driver and convinced the insurance company to accept 100% liability for the accident. The car crash attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were also able to point out that the at-fault driver was impaired. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers then negotiated a fair and just settlement for our client.


Settlement for Family Injured in a Rear-End Car Accident

On November 17, 2021, our clients – a 29-year-old male and female – were on their way home with their two children ages, 4 and 2. Our clients were stopped at a red light on the chilly but bright November day. Suddenly, they were rear ended while waiting for the light to change. The two adults and children immediately went to the emergency room for injuries to multiple parts of their bodies. The two children followed up with their pediatricians and recovered quickly from the trauma of the accident. The parents, however, had more extensive injuries to their necks, back, arm, and leg. Both parents had to undergo several months of physical therapy and have MRIs of their neck and back. After this type of aggressive treatment, our two clients made an excellent recovery. The auto accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were able to negotiate a global $80,000.00 settlement for the entire family, which provided fair, just, and equitable compensation for the injuries sustained in the rear end car collision.


Settlement for Rear End Accident on the Interstate

On August 22, 2022, our 21-year-old client was on interstate I-74 in Western Illinois when traffic slowed due to a work zone. Unfortunately, the vehicle behind our client’s vehicle did not slow and rear ended our client’s vehicle. The force of the collision was so strong that our client’s vehicle struck the vehicle in front of it and ended in the grass center median. The third vehicle spun out and struck a semi-truck. The impact destroyed the back of our client’s vehicle and the paramedics had to help extricate our client from the destroyed vehicle. The windows in our client’s vehicle also shattered and caused several lacerations to our client. He had cuts from head to toe and a black eye. Our client was transported by ambulance to the local hospital and released with luckily no major injuries. The car accident lawyers at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers helped to secure a new vehicle for our client. The accident lawyers at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers further secured a settlement for our client within six months of the auto accident.


Settlement for Slip-and-Fall Victim at the North Riverside Mall, North Riverside, IL

On July 16, 2016, a 46-year-old male was at the North Riverside Mall in North Riverside, IL. Our client slipped and fell on substance, which appeared to be some type of liquid, near the food court. Our client sustained a fracture to his right ankle and required surgery. He made an excellent recovery from the surgery and had full range of motion and use of his ankle within a month after the surgery.

The mall and its maintenance company disputed that it had any notice of the liquid and initially denied the claim. The mall stated that another customer must have spilled the liquid merely moments before our client fell. The video camera in the food court did not capture the fall or how the liquid spilled. After extensive negotiations and providing evidence that the mall and its maintenance company had an opportunity to clean the spill, the mall and its maintenance company agreed to a $50,000.00 settlement. The settlement allowed our client to avoid the time and expense of trial and get the necessary and proper compensation for his injury.


Policy Limits for Life Insurance Claim

On June 9, 2021, our client suffered an immense loss when his 20-year-old son passed away after drowning in a river on the northside of Chicago. Our client had an accidental life insurance policy for his son with his employer,, where our client was employed. The policy was administered through Prudential.

Even though all the circumstances of our client’s son’s death indicated an accidental drowning, and the medical examiner determined the cause of death as drowning, Prudential denied the claim. Prudential put the burden on our client to show how the drowning was accidental since it was unknown exactly how our client’s son entered the river. The insurance company did everything in its power to make a grieving father suffer more and deny his claim due to what it perceived was not sufficient evidence of an accident.

Our client then contacted the Life Insurance Attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers. Our attorneys filed an appeal under the benefit plan and showed how the evidence pointed to an accidental death, from the police report, the autopsy report, and the clothing that our client’s son was wearing, which indicated he was swimming in the river. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, P.C was able to get the insurance company to reverse its denial and pay the entire life insurance benefit owed our client under the life insurance policy.


Driver in Car Fire After an Oil Change

On September 28, 2021, our client a 64-year-old male had his oil changed at a local auto repair shop. After picking up his vehicle fallowing the oil change and while driving home, he noticed smoke and flames coming out of the engine area. He quickly pulled to the side while the car started to be engulfed in flames. He had to rapidly pull the car over and climb out of the driver’s side. In the process, he injured his left knee and left shoulder. He also suffered some smoke inhalation.  Following an ambulance ride to the emergency room, where he was checked out and reported knee pain from exiting the vehicle, he followed up with pain management and an orthopedic doctor regarding his shoulder and knee. Our client also underwent a few months of physical therapy.

The personal injury attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were able to show how the repair shop negligently caused a leak that led to the fire and our client’s injuries. We were able to hold the business responsible that caused the fire. After our client completed his medical treatment, the attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers negotiated a fair and equitable settlement for our client.


Settlement for Rear-End Accident

On September 29, 2021, our client was rear ended in Schererville, IN. She suffered neck and back injuries. She underwent extensive physical therapy for serval months, saw pain specialists, and had an MRI on her lumbar spine. She also missed several months of work from her job as a team leader at Walmart.

Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers was able to negotiate a policy limits settlement against the at-fault, negligent driver who caused the rear end collision. The automobile accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers also obtained a settlement through underinsured motorist coverage and benefits on the vehicle our client was operating. Our client was able to recover damages for her medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of normal life, and her lost wages for missing serval months of work at Walmart. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers obtained maximum compensation for our client who was a mere victim of another individual’s careless driving.


Settlement for Slip and Fall at a Night Club

On Super Bowl Sunday February 3, 3019, our 36-year-old client went to a nightclub after watching the super bowl. She slipped and fell on a large water puddle that had been on walkway near the bar. The floor was bare concrete and did not contain any type of protections against slippery conditions. Our client suffered a left elbow dislocation and required several months of medical treatment. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers successfully argued that the conditions of the floor were unsafe and dangerous to customers of the night club. The case settled for $40,000.00 without any lawsuit.


$38,400 Settlement for Uber Passenger in a Rear-End Collision

On January 5, 2022, our 22-year-old client was a passenger in an Uber when it was rear-ended while stopped on an off ramp on I-290 in Chicago, IL. Our client suffered back and neck injuries, requiring a visit to the emergency room and over a month of physical therapy. Our client made a quick recovery after finishing physical therapy. At that point, the car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers  negotiated a just settlement both from the insurance policies of the at-fault party and from the Uber driver. The settlement more than compensated our client for her injuries. Our client was very pleased not only because her medical bills were all paid but also because of the compensation she received from the rear end car accident.


Policy Limits for Driver in Multi-Vehicle Accident

On January 20, 2021, our client was stopped at a 4-way stop sign in Joliet, IL. Another vehicle approached the intersection and failed to stop. That vehicle then attempted a left turn, striking a third vehicle that had stopped and had the right-of-way. The force of that crash caused one of the vehicles to strike our client’s vehicle head-on while her vehicle was stopped. Our client suffered back and neck injuries and a substantial concussion. She was immediately transported to the emergency room and followed up with extensive therapy. She also saw a specialist for her concussion and was diagnosed with concentration and memory issues. Thankfully, our client made a full recovery after several months of medical treatment. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers secured a policy limits settlement even though the at-fault driver’s insurance company initially denied liability and wrongfully blamed the vehicle that had the right-of-way in the collision.


Policy Limits Settlement for Air Bag-Related Eye Injury

On December 6, 2021, our 45-year-old client was stopped in traffic in Chicago, IL. Another vehicle was exiting a bank parking lot when that driver claimed her brakes failed. She accelerated through a busy street, striking two vehicles, including our client’s vehicle that was stopped. As a result of the impact, our client’s vehicle was forced into a parked vehicle resulting in a second collision for our client. During the collision, the air bags released, striking our client in the head and eye. Our client was transported to the emergency room where he underwent treatment for back, neck, head injuries, including an injury to his eye.  Our client had to follow up with pain doctors for his back and neck injuries and an eye doctor for abrasions to his cornea. He went through two months of treatment and was not able to work for over one month. The car accident attorneys Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers were able to secure a policy limits settlement from the insurance company of the at-fault driver.

Policy Limits

Settlement for Pedestrian Injured in a Hit-and-Run

On June 22, 2016, 21-year-old female pedestrian struck by a hit-and-run driver in the crosswalk at a high rate of speed. The victim sustained a non-displaced fracture to the neck and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Her neurosurgeon was able to treat the fracture without any surgery and my client made an excellent recovery. The driver of the other vehicle was never found. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers negotiated a settlement for the policy limits under my client’s uninsured motorist policy.


Bicycle Rider Hit by a Negligent Driver

Our client, a 56-year-old male, was riding his bicycle in a marked bicycle lane in Chicago, IL on August 20, 2018. A vehicle pulled out of a parking spot without checking the bicycle lane. The vehicle struck our client’s bicycle and caused our client to fall from his bicycle. He was rushed to the hospital with neck, back, and head injuries. He also had several lacerations. Our client made a quick and full recovery with only few doctor visits following his emergency room stay. Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers negotiated a settlement of $88,400.00.

Contact Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers in Chicago today

To obtain justice after you've been injured in Chicago, contact the dedicated attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers today. They have been protecting the rights of injured clients for more than two decades.